HDR-FOX T2 HDD Replacement

I was just reading through everything quickly and saw something about removing the encryption on HD which was a nice sounding surprise, but I didn't read in-depth enough to understand. I don't have the relevant CF on my foxsats (yet!) I don't remember if encryption can be removed on HD recordings on the Fox T2 too, maybe? So a bit of reading to do. I usually record in SD, to save space mostly but.........

Anyway, I've got a new HDD on the way so that's priority. And er.... I might have another Fox T2 that could be fixed too................ ;-) Though I need to see what working condition it's in, as I can't remember exactly what went wrong. So I'll concentrate on them. Besides, my ethernet cable is very long and hanging through the stairs and I need to make sure elderly parents don't trip on it.. Which then hampers being able to connect 'permanently' as I can't keep the cable attached.

Reading to do :)
Decryption on HDR-FOX requires some setting up, but all the information is on the forum and/or wiki.

On Foxsat, IIRC it's only HiDef which gets encrypted on disk, and the only way to deal with that is "Nowster's Patch" which is separate from the Custom Firmware. The patch just prevents new recordings being encrypted, it does not decrypt anything already encrypted.